Norwood as the Model
If we succeed, we’re going to create something that other Towns will want to replicate, and consult us for our know-how. I want Norwood to be seen as a thought leader in areas like citizen engagement, digital governance, and municipal energy. Technology needs to improve the lives of residents, and Town Government needs the drive and skill to be good shepherds of that experience.
making a Bright future for Norwood
Some people find the Climate Crisis to be overwhelming, frustrating, confusing, and frightening. Don’t get me wrong, it is all of those things, but for me it is not a time to give in. It’s a time to step up and tackle it. Because whatever the Climate is going to throw at us here in our town, I’m not going down to it without a fight. If we want Norwood to be here for another 150 years, we need leaders who see the threats of Climate disasters as their personal responsibility to deal with, not throw up their hands or kick the can down the line. And I’m on the ball with that.
This SITE is just the start!
I pay special attention to the touch-points that residents have with the Town. Are they confusing? Are they secure? Are they accessible? Are they welcoming? Are they encouraging transparency? I’ve strongly advocated for improvements in this aspect of Town Government, and I’ll continue to champion them as Selectman.
spread the goodness
If our experiments in improved transparency and communication between Town Government and residents work, then I want to network with other towns so more residents of the Commonwealth can have a great local government experience too! Showing strong innovation and tech know-how will be another attractive draw for businesses to pick Norwood as a preferred destination, and to help attract good talent to our Town Talent Bank.
Does this sound good? Are you excited? Then help pitch in to make it a reality!